Form and Content of the Article

Original Articles

  1. Introduction: Answers the question of why the study was conducted, includes a summary of the latest findings on the topic, rationale, research questions, and background information.

  2. Method: Specifies how the research was conducted, addressing points such as methodology, participants, instruments, procedures, and data analysis.

  3. Analysis: Rigorous, exhaustive, and sufficient reporting of the information found, adhering to [MLA] standards (current edition).

  4. Conclusion: Final contributions found in the research, closure that allows for identifying the central themes and is open to new questions.

  5. References: Placed at the end and in alphabetical order, strictly corresponding to the citations within the text and adjusted to the [MLA] standard, latest edition.

The contribution must not be less than 10 pages or exceed 20 pages including references.

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Review Articles

  1. Introduction: Presentation of the topic and information on the content of the literature review to be considered.

  2. Analysis: It should indicate the content of the reviewed articles and/or studies, showing the author's opinion on the reviewed literature, mainly the findings and research conclusions. It should summarize the obtained results, contextualize their importance, as well as practical and theoretical implications.

  3. Conclusion: Final contributions and closure that allows for identifying relevant guidelines.

  4. References: Placed at the end and in alphabetical order, strictly corresponding to the citations within the text and adjusted to the [MLA] standard, latest edition.

The contribution must not be less than 10 pages or exceed 20 pages including references.

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  1. Title: Should include the name of the author, title of the publication, publisher, country, year, total number of pages.

  2. Text: Rigorous report of the work that must consider its contribution to the disciplinary field, strengths, and weaknesses. It should be in two columns and not exceed four pages.

  3. Signature: Author's name, institutional affiliation, country, and ORCID must be specified.

The contribution must not exceed four (4) pages.

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