Scope and Focus

Current Issue

Vol. 28 No. 2 (2024): New Horizons and Old Tensions: History, Memory, and Emotions in the 21st Century
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This issue of the Journal of Social History and Mentalities brings together studies that delve into the intersections of history, memory, and emotions in contexts shaped by crises, transformation, and political tensions. From the impact of the Anthropocene on historiography to the dynamics of power and memory during state terrorism, the featured articles offer an interdisciplinary approach to pressing contemporary challenges.

Highlights include explorations of free love and emotions within anarchist movements, the global circulation of ideas during Chile’s democratic transition, and the influence of science during the Cold War. Also featured are studies on childhood and domestic service in the late colonial period and Francisco Bilbao’s anti-colonialist critiques, which challenge dominant narratives and open new historiographical paths.

A Volume to Rethink the Future Through the Past
With innovative approaches and cross-disciplinary methodologies, this issue provides a platform for reflecting on current challenges, fostering dialogue between the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Published: 2024-12-27


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