Children's identity perceptions and literary mediation. A study from the APPRAISAL System and DBM®




self-representation, Appraisal System, children's identity, Mauricio Paredes, literary mediation, D.B.M.®


This research explores the discursive construction of identity meanings based on the valuative perception of the self, in pedagogical moments of interaction with the literary text ¡Ay, cuanto me quiero! (Paredes, 2003). The study is framed in the qualitative paradigm and analyzes cases of eight- to nine-year-old infants, according to the APPRAISAL System. The study is set in the framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Developmental Behavioural Modelling (DBM)®. The results show the possibilities of the literary communication process to strengthen in the middle childhood period, in accordance with the structuring of cognitive representations, the shaping of personal identity and the understanding of senses of reality. Evidence shows that, from a mediation process the story and under a strategy of reflection on identities, the infants evidence discourses of self-representation centered on the characterization of their personal developments in interactive social spaces. However, only a simple collective self-representation is manifested, at the level of peers and/or family, without generating collective identity discourses located in larger and more complex groups that are mobilized from a cultural, national, or Latin American identification.


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How to Cite

Children’s identity perceptions and literary mediation. A study from the APPRAISAL System and DBM®. (2024). Árboles Y Rizomas, 6(1), 56-72.