Transformational literary education: possible ways to resignify the canon at school




elementary education, literary education, canon, English language, literary studies


Given the multiple challenges and conflicts that have involved Brazilian Elementary Education, reading and interpreting literary texts become a complex task, especially when teachers introduce this exercise in the class of English. Thus, I consider it pertinent to discuss some issues that maintain or reinforce the difficulties in teaching literature at school since some originate from its conception in this space where literary studies, when it happens, tend to be centered in the canon, a conditioning variable in the process of meaning-making. Therefore, this article aims to rethink how we commonly teach and use literature texts, and possible ways to break with canonized literary practices. To throw light to my arguments, I frame them in studies by Bourdieu (2008) and Sousa Santos (2009), among other scholars who, approaching or not literary education, offer several opportunities to help us reflect on this issue. As a result, the rupture with canonical literary practices gives agency to the reader and the perception that literature is a space for exchange, resignification, and transformation of identities and narratives; therefore, there are no ready-made answers.


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How to Cite

Transformational literary education: possible ways to resignify the canon at school. (2022). Árboles Y Rizomas, 4(2), 1-11.