The “New Spain” and the Spanish Falange in Portugal During the Spanish Civil War: Information and Propaganda




Spanish Falange, Spanish Civil War, Propaganda, Portugal


This article aims to recover some of the most interesting aspects of the propaganda activity of the Spanish Falange in Portugal during the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish fascist organization, integrated into Franco's National Movement, developed a rearguard strategy to legitimize the military coup against the Second Spanish Republic. It recruited volunteer fighters for the insurgent army and fund-raising campaigns to finance its cause against Spanish democracy. Through a qualitative methodology and using primary sources of a diplomatic and newspaper nature, both Spanish and Portuguese, the functioning and media projection of the Falange in Portugal is analyzed and described.


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Author Biography

  • Alberto Pena Rodríguez, University of Vigo

    ALBERTO PENA RODRÍGUEZ Holds a PhD in Information Sciences (1997) From the Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD in History from the UNED. Currently, he is a full professor at the University of Vigo. His Lines of Research Address the history of propaganda, journalism, and the press in the lusophone world.


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How to Cite

The “New Spain” and the Spanish Falange in Portugal During the Spanish Civil War: Information and Propaganda. (2024). Revista De Historia Social Y De Las Mentalidades, 28(1), 230-254.