Form and Content of the Article

The contributions must consider the following structure:

Original Articles.

Introduction. Responds to the question of why the study has been carried out, includes a summary of the latest research on the subject, rationale, approach and background of the topic to be investigated.

Method/Approach. It specifies elements of how the research was carried out, answering points such as: methodology, perspective or approach, participants, instruments, procedure, data analysis.

Analysis. Supported, exhaustive and sufficient report of the information found, according to [APA] standards (7th ED.).

Conclusion. Final contributions found in the research, closing that allows, in turn, to identify the central axes and projections.

Bibliographical references. Are placed at the end and in alphabetical order with strict correspondence with what is cited within the text and adjusted to the [APA] standard (7th ED).

The manuscript should not exceed 7000 words, including references.

Theoretical Review Articles.

Introduction. Presentation of the subject matter and bibliographic references to be considered.

Analysis. The references (articles, books, studies) to be reviewed should be critically and contextually analyzed, showing the author's opinion on the literature reviewed, mainly the findings and research conclusions. It should take up the results obtained, contextualize their importance, as well as practical and theoretical implications.

Conclusion. Final contributions and closure that allows, in turn, to identify relevant guidelines.

Bibliographical references. Are placed at the end and in alphabetical order with strict correspondence with what is cited within the text and adjusted to the norm [APA] 7th ED (40 references as minimum).

The manuscript should not exceed 7000 words, including references.


Title. It should include the name of the author, title of the publication, publisher, country, year, total number of pages.

Text. Rigorous report of the work that should consider the contribution to the disciplinary field, strengths and weaknesses.

Signature. The author's name, institutional affiliation, country and Orcid ID must be included.

Reviews cannot exceed 3000 words.


These are descriptive and interpretative texts of a work, author, book, conference or exhibition, followed by a critical evaluation that measures its interest or originality for the specialized community. They are usually briefer than articles and longer than reviews, without all the basis of a scientific study, but equally coherent and adequately founded.

Their length is from 3000 to 5000 words.