Publication Ethics
Ethical Guidelines for Authors
Following the COPE guidelines mentioned above, authors interested in sending their manuscript toArboles y Rizomasare required to:
- Submit original work that has not been published before and ensure that it is not “redundant” work, ie, articles known as “salami publications” (see definitions below). When detected during the submission process, such work will be rejected. Manuscripts should evidence clarity in their writing and authors should submit them to style editing before submission.
- Let the Editor know if there are similar versions of the manuscript that have been published or were submitted elsewhere.
- Only the actual authors of the study should be included, that is, people who have contributed with significant intellectual work to the study.
- Do not credit with authorship individuals who have not made a substantial contribution to the article, these authors are known as “ghost”, “gift”, or “guests” authors.
- Come to an agreement about authorship in a joint decision between the co-authors, considering that the first author is usually the one who made the most significant contribution to the article.
- Make sure that there is noplagiarismand that all external contributions are appropriately cited following the style required by the journal.
- Understand that when submitting their manuscript toArboles y Rizomas, they consent that it can be examined for plagiarism through a similarity checking system called Crosscheck which indicates degrees of coincidence with already published work.
- Not more than 10% of the total number of citations in the manuscript can be used for self-citation.
- Make sure that the identity of the participants in the study is not disclosed and kept anonymous and confidential.
- Avoid defamation,conflict of interest, orfraud.
- Communication with the editor should be respectful and professional.
- Do not submit other manuscripts to the journal until an editorial decision is received with respect to the first submission.