Written speech: interference of the oral code in university academic writing





orality, writing, academic writing, speech, university education


This article identifies the main features of the oral code that interfere with university academic writing. The study focuses on students entering the first year at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito campus. Through a theoretical distinction between features of the oral and written code, the research analyzes 106 brief textual samples written by students. Operationally, the analysis is divided into three parts. First, the 106 samples are classified into three rating ranges: competent (a), regular (b), and insufficient (c). Second, inaccuracies related to five textual properties are selected in the samples: adequacy, coherence, syntactic cohesion, lexical cohesion and grammatical correctness. Third, inaccuracies related to adequacy and consistency are discussed in detail. The analysis of textual adequacy reveals that the interference of the oral code gives rise to inaccuracies such as the use of an informal tone and the implication of the interlocutor. The analysis of textual coherence, on the other hand, may explain how some vices of language construction, especially ambiguity and antinomy, affect the communicative efficacy of an academic text.


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How to Cite

Written speech: interference of the oral code in university academic writing. (2022). Árboles Y Rizomas, 4(2), 43-60. https://doi.org/10.35588/ayr.v4i2.5735