Nostalgic memory and identity in Silvio Caiozzi’s "Y de pronto el amanecer" (Chile, 2017)




Chilean cinema, memory, identity, postdictatorship, nostalgia


This article explores the ways in which the film And Suddenly the Dawn (Chile 2017) attempts to mend damaged personal and collective identities through the personal memories of its protagonist, which include traumatic events linked to the 1973 Chilean coup d’état and stories of their youth and childhood in their local community. The article argues that the work of memory presented in the film focuses more on restoring an individual subject rather than a collective one and seems more interested in the retrospective and nostalgic dimension of memory over its prospective dimension, implicitly discarding the renewal of defeated ideals that could link the film to updated critical perspectives.


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How to Cite

Nostalgic memory and identity in Silvio Caiozzi’s "Y de pronto el amanecer" (Chile, 2017). (2022). Árboles Y Rizomas, 4(1), 22-33.