Poetry theory in "Taste of me" and "Palabrarmas" by Cecilia Vicuña





Chilean poetry, community poetry, experimental poetry, ethics of the text


This article analyzes two books by Chilean poet Cecilia Vicuña, Sabor a mí and Palabrarmas. The analysis is structured in three moments that are linked from smallest to largest:  stories and enunciations (strands), discourses (knots) and textual material (fabrics). The strands are seen in the enunciative figures of the poet girl and the erotic woman. The knots are the discourses related to notions of the theory of poetry and community, with special attention to ideas from Ranciere's politics. Finally, the fabrics account for two meanings that provide a closure to what is seen in the strands and knots, the concepts of waste (Fernández Mallo, 2018) and ethics (Bajtín, 1997). Consequently, an analytical reading is proposed of how Vicuña's theory of poetry joins the community, i.e., the way that poetry is a source of language and subject renewal.


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How to Cite

Poetry theory in "Taste of me" and "Palabrarmas" by Cecilia Vicuña. (2022). Árboles Y Rizomas, 4(1), 109-118. https://doi.org/10.35588/ayr.v4i1.5378