“¡Hey! Un patacón ahí” Mobilization of meanings and construction of identities in the Getsemaní neighborhood in Bizarre Foods





identities, multimodal resources, semiotics, global south, colonialist discourses


This essay seeks to establish the way in which the American TV show Bizarre Foods Americas builds up identities and meanings about the Getsemaní neighborhood (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia), during the interaction between an English-speaking 'adventurous cook' and the local people of the neighborhood, through multimodal resources. To describe and interpret the data we resort, on one hand, to virtual ethnography (Domínguez, et.al., 2007; Pauwels, 2012) and, on the other, to concepts related to language and globalization to explain the construction of identities (Blommaert, 2010; PietikÄinen, 2018; Menezes de Souza, 2019; Stroud, 2017). The results show that through a diverse repertoire of semiotic resources used during the program, different local identity traits are established. Results also evidence the perpetuation and legitimization of adverse social phenomena for the local population referred to unequal social relations of power and colonialist discourses.


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How to Cite

“¡Hey! Un patacón ahí” Mobilization of meanings and construction of identities in the Getsemaní neighborhood in Bizarre Foods. (2021). Árboles Y Rizomas, 3(2), 53-68. https://doi.org/10.35588/ayr.v3i2.5125