Literature and visual memory: Aesthetic-performative chains between the narratives of memory and the October 2019 Social Uprising




city, protest, literature, ruin, photography


The so-called Social Uprising, which took place between October and December 2019 in Chile, highlighted the importance of the urban counter-narratives operating in contexts of social struggle and protest (Márquez and Rozas, 2019). Understood as scratches, banners and artistic performances, the counter-narratives represent a resignification of the urban space that consider the city as discourse (Rama, 1998) and present a homogeneous image of identity based on the monument (Harvey, 1990). Addressing that discourse implies an aesthetic-performative relation with the literary narratives of memory that are set from the 1990s onwards, where the articulation of counter-spaces (Locane, 2013) also assumes an act of resignification of the space. In that way, this article is a comparison between the visual record of the Social Uprising and its aesthetic chains to the literature of memory. By reading and analyzing authors such as Bisama (Taxidermia, 2014), Celedón (La Filial, 2012), Sutherland (Papelucho gay en dictadura, 2019) and Fernández (Fuenzalida, 2012; Chilean Electric, 2015), we can see those traces of ruin, photography and artistic performance set in tension the hegemonic signs in the urban design, highlighting the problems of memory and identity of those who experience the city.


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How to Cite

Literature and visual memory: Aesthetic-performative chains between the narratives of memory and the October 2019 Social Uprising. (2021). Árboles Y Rizomas, 3(1), 68-86.