Ecosystemic Discourse Analysis - EDA




Ecological Discourse Analysis, Ecosystemic Linguistics, defence of life, fight against suffering


The main objective of this article is to present Ecosystemic Discourse Analysis (EDA). This discipline is part of Ecosystemic Linguistics (EL), a version of Ecolinguistics developed in Brazil and whose precursors are the works of the language philosopher Peter Finke (1996), the ecolinguist Wilhelm Trampe (1990) and the School of Dialectical Linguistics, created by Jørgen Døør and Jørgen Christian Bang. EDA had additional influences from various sources, such as deep ecology and the ideas of Ghandi, among others. Due to those origins, when analysing a text-discourse, EDA does not place the main emphasis on political ideologies, as happens in traditional discourse analysis – with rare exceptions as Martin’s Positive Discourse Analysis (2004) – instead, it focuses on the defence of life and the fight against suffering. There are political ideologies in EDA, but life is considered more important than them.


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How to Cite

Ecosystemic Discourse Analysis - EDA. (2020). Árboles Y Rizomas, 2(2), 1-14.