Evolution of the Brazilian Consumer Market for Alcoholic Beverages in the XXI Century





special beers, fine wines, income distribution, production, trading


This paper aims to analyze the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Brazil regarding the wine and beer sectors and, more specifically, fine wines and special beers as high-value-added production. It is assumed that the increase in wealth stimulates the desire for a greater variety of products and that consumption relations are essential in economic development since there is no reason to produce a commodity that will not be consumed. In this sense, to analyze consumption, it is necessary to understand the structure of income distribution, national production and its restructuring in the century, and the new strategies for marketing and selling products. In general terms, it is safe to assume that special beers and fine wines are consumed by classes A, B, and C, with differences in frequency and type of product. Moreover, companies try to meet all income ranges of the consumer market through product differentiation and different distribution channels.


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2024-02-29 — Updated on 2024-08-31


