Relationship between Implementation of Digital Technologies for Educationand Performance of Benefited Students from Projects of Enlaces Innovation Center 2016-2019


  • Sebastián Ignacio Saavedra-Portales Fundación Suma Qamaña



digital technologies, difference in differences, school attendance, school attainment


This research explores the impact of information and communication technology projects on student performance, considering both attendance and grades. The analyzed programs include “Mi Taller Digital”, “Iluminación Wifi” y “Tecnologías de Acceso Universal para la Educación”. Employing a quantitative, quasi-experimental, and longitudinal methodology, we apply Difference-in-Differences analysis with staggered treatments. We aim to understand the scope of these technologies in teaching and learning processes, focusing on attendance and annual grade averages. This study contributes to the understanding of the influence of digital technologies in education.


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