Submission and reception of articles

For the submission of any type of article, RHSM requires adherence to the current style guidelines of the Modern Language Association (MLA). Please note that the total length of the article should not exceed 25 pages including references.

The form and content of articles published in the journal are governed by a structure outlined below. (see Template).

1. Title Page

This section applies to original and review articles. The title page should include:

2. Article Title

The title should focus on the theme being developed to capture the reader's attention. Consider the following guidelines:

  • It should be precise and self-explanatory.
  • Avoid jargon and local language usage.
  • Avoid metaphors or poetic expressions.
  • Do not use colloquial or vulgar language.
  • Should not be redundant or use abbreviations excessively.
  • Avoid using too many prepositions.
  • The ideal length is 75 to 100 characters.
  • Do not use exclamation marks, semicolons, and slashes. Commas, parentheses, question marks, and colons are acceptable.


  • Author Information and Disclaimer

The author's last name(s) should adhere to IRALIS signature criteria. Authors in the publication process must use a unique form to designate themselves, known as a pen name. Standardizing how publications are signed will ensure your name is not confused with others and is cited correctly, avoiding loss of citations throughout your scientific career.


It is an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies scientists and other academic authors. Every author submitting their proposals to RHSM must have their ORCID.

4. Curriculum Vitae

Every author submitting their proposals to RHSM must provide an abbreviated curriculum vitae. (Download Abbreviated Curriculum)

5. Academic Titles of Authors

Number all higher education academic titles received.

6. Institutional Affiliation

This is the corporate entity where the research is conducted, or the institution to which the author belongs; it is not always a university, it can be a research center, a government entity. After the affiliation, the city and country should be stated, for example: Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, University of Santiago, Santiago, Chile.

7. Email Address

All authors must include their institutional and personal email.

8. Article Origin

All authors must indicate the source of the text they are presenting, whether it comes from funded research, a seminar, a working group, or if it is personal.

9. Abstract

The abstract should succinctly indicate the content of the article in a short text. It should specify for its construction: introduction, which must contain the type of article (results and review); Objective of the research; Method employed; Results; Discussions; Conclusions. RHSM accepts a maximum of 250 words. Authors should be precise and select the most important information and write it fluently.

10. Keywords

It must contain a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) words. They should accurately express the content of the work. Note that keywords are the way to easily identify your work by database search engines.

NOTE. Regardless of the language in which any article has been submitted, it will have to include the following in Spanish and English on the first page: the title, abstract, and keywords.

11. Body of the Article

They are required in Word format, single-column; Single line spacing; with Times New Roman font, size 12. Bold should be used for section headings and subheadings. Italic should be used, not quotes, to highlight key terms within the text; bold is not only for titles within the text as part of the body of the article, please consider the overall structure involved.

12. Tables

Tables included in the article must be editable, mentioned in the text, and numbered consecutively. If there are notes, they should be placed outside at the end of the table and centered. Make sure that the data presented in the tables do not duplicate the contents described in other sections. Shading is not recommended, nor is inserting figures or graphic content in the cells. Generally speaking, a table aims to succinctly synthesize a certain amount of data. Therefore, it is suggested that the row range be between 5 and 15. In any case, its size should not exceed that of one page.

13. Figures (images, graphs, photos)

Figures inserted in the article should be in high-quality format, and the source should be JPG and/or PNG. They should be mentioned in the text and numbered consecutively according to their appearance. If the figures include text, try to use the Calibri Light font. Captions should be separate and placed at the bottom of the figure. A copy of the figure in its source format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi should be sent to the journal.

14. Bibliographic References

They should be structured according to the modern language association (MLA) guidelines. Each citation developed throughout the submitted manuscript must be found in the reference list. Each reference is a separate paragraph, organized alphabetically, structured with 1.5 line spacing, and French indentation should be applied for its presentation. Some reference examples to consider.

[Download RHSM References]