Expressing and Practicing Emotions. Towards an Emotional Dimension of Diego Portales. Chile, 1821-1837




Diego Portales, History of emotions, Chile, Nineteenth century


This paper aims to recognise, characterise and analyse the emotional dimension of one of the most paradigmatic historical and historiographical figures in Chilean history: Diego Portales. Using his epistolary as the main document and the history of emotions as a scheme of analysis, our interest is to learn more about the expressive repertoires and emotional practices that shaped the ways of feeling in early nineteenth-century Chile by a specific social sector. As a hypothesis, we argue that the expression of emotions and emotional practices were abundant and central in the writing of this figure, which challenge our conception of mainly logical or rational historical subjects, according to modern terms.


KEY WORDS: Diego Portales; History of emotions; Chile; Nineteenth century.


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Author Biography

  • Javier Sadarangani Leiva, University of Hamburgo

    Javier Sadarangani is a musician and historian, PhD candidate in history at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Visiting researcher at the Centre for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin. Member of the Ibero-American Society for the History of Emotions and Experiences (SIHEX), and of the Chilean Network of Researchers in the History of Emotions, Affects and Experiences. His latest contributions have been on Political History, History of Emotions and Ego-Documents. ANID-DAAD Fellow.


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How to Cite

Expressing and Practicing Emotions. Towards an Emotional Dimension of Diego Portales. Chile, 1821-1837. (2023). Revista De Historia Social Y De Las Mentalidades, 27(2), 1-46.