


Television series, Popular movement, Chilean television, Chilean social history


This article provides a close reading of the visual portrayals about “the impoverished inhabitants of the city” as a social movement. It does so by analyzing Ramona, a fiction television series broadcast by the Chilean public television in 2017 and 2018. The story is set in 1967 and it depicts a complex overview fueling what we call a visual common sense and media social memory about both the historical period and the phenomenon Ramona illustrates. The media production about “the impoverished inhabitants of the city” is more than one hundred years old and it has been represented by a plurality of languages, genres, styles, and cultural artifacts. Books, cartoons, films, or radio programming have promoted readings of popular characters, lives, and processes that have been key to the Chilean history and also a part of a cultural common sense. Ramona follows those previous paths at the same time it opens new media and interpretative clues, too.


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Author Biographies

  • Eduardo Santa Cruz, University of Chile

    Journalist, Bachelor of Social Sciences, Diploma in Research in Social Communication. Professor, Universidad de Chile. He has published a dozen books on the relationship Communication, mass culture and popular culture (History of Chilean journalism; film and TV; football and sports).

  • Claudia Paola Lagos Lira, University of Chile

    Ph.D. in Media and Communication (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Master in Gender Studies, journalist and bachelor in social communication. She also has training on Communication and Public Policy. She is currently Assistant Professor at the Universidad de Chile. Her research and her whole work revolves around topics such as journalism studies, freedom of expression, gender and feminism, particularly focused on qualitative approaches. She is editor of Comunicación y Medios journal. Her work is available here:  


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How to Cite

THE MEDIA PRODUCTION OF “THE POOR OF THE CITY”: THE CASE OF THE RAMONA TELEVISION SERIES. (2021). Revista De Historia Social Y De Las Mentalidades, 25(2), 43-66.