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Author Guidelines

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1. Required files
    1.1. Mandatory files
    1.2. Optional Files

2. Structure and formal aspects
    2.1. General considerations
    2.2. Title and abstract
    2.3. Preparation and structure of the manuscript 

3. Citation Rules
    3.1. In the body of the manuscript
    3.2. References

4. Manuscript submission

  1. Required Files

 1.1. Mandatory files

  • A file in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format containing the manuscript to be submitted. AUTHORS MUST AVOID REVEALING THEIR IDENTITY IN THIS FILE (INCLUDING IN ITS PROPERTIES). 

  • A file in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format with the information of the authors. It must less than one page in length and include: names, surnames, complete institutional affiliation, email, a brief introduction of the authors (e.g., brief CV and research interests). This information will not be disclosed to reviewers.

1.2. Optional Files

  • If the submitted manuscript contains images, Greek letters, formulas, or other special characters, you must also submit a copy of it in PDF format.

  • You must send all the images used in JPG format (if there is more than one, we recommend compressing). The name of each image should be the page number where it appears in the manuscript (e.g. 'p.5'). It is important to guarantee the quality of the images.

 2. Structure and formal aspects

2.1. General considerations

The submitted manuscript must be redacted in Spanish or English and written in Times New Roman 12 font, single spaced. It must have a maximum of 15,000 words in total, including bibliography and abstracts. Articles with more than 15,000 words will not be accepted.

2.2. Title and abstract

All manuscripts must begin by establishing their title in Spanish, followed by an abstract of 200 to 300 words and 5 keywords not included in the title.

Under this must be the same title, abstract and keywords in English, respecting the same word count already indicated. Both items will be considered in the final word count. 

2.3. Preparation and structure of the manuscript  

After the abstracts and titles, you should start the body of the manuscript. We remind you that Culturas Científicas is an interdisciplinary journal, so the use of clear and concise language is important.

The text should follow the classic division [Introduction - Sections - Conclusion - References]. In this regard, we point out:

  • All sections, except for References, should be numbered using Arabic numerals.

  • We recommend that the Introduction section sets out the objectives of the article/research and how it will be achieved under the following sections.

  • Between the Introduction and Conclusion you can add all the sections and subsections that are considered necessary, as long as they are numbered correctly. You must use Decimals (e.g. 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1) and NEVER LETTERS.

  • We recommend writing a Conclusion that recovers both the objective stated in the Introduction and the way in which they were achieved by the development of the predecessor sections.

3. Citation Rules

Articles submitted for review can only use footnotes as clarification of the main text and never as a citation. Culturas Científicas uses citation standards based on APA 7th Edition (2019) since its December 2022 issue. The entire subsection 3 consists of remarks on this citation system and detailed information can be found at this link.  

We strongly encourage you to follow the citation rules correctly to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism problems. We remind you that the manuscripts received go through a specialized plagiarism detector and that our Editorial Committee will deal with possible anomalous cases as described in our Editorial Policy.  

We remind the authors that every textual citation must be enclosed in quotation marks [“(€)”], followed by a parenthesis where the author, year of publication and page(s) of reference are indicated. In addition, textual citations of more than 40 words must be written separated by a period and without quotation marks, but followed by a parenthesis where the author, year and page(s) of reference are indicated.  

On the other hand, and if the quote is paraphrased, it is enough for it to be followed by a parenthesis where the author and year are indicated, the consignment of the page(s) being optional.  

You can find more about citation types and their use at this link. Below we will summarize the most common cases of citation in APA 7th Edition.:    

3.1. In the body of the manuscript

  • Citing the work of an author

(Woolgar, 1991)
(Wolgar, 1991, p.40)
(Wolgar, 1991, pp.41-40)

We emphasize that when citing more than one page, 'p.' always changes to 'pp.' and there is no space between the period and the number. On this website you can find other APA abbreviations that may be useful to you.

  • Citing more than one work by the same author

(Pickering, 1999; 2008)
(Pickering, 1999, p.40; 2008)
(Pickering, 1999, pp.40-50; 2008)

We emphasize that the separation between the works cited must be done with ';', as if they were different authors (see ‘Citing with multiple sources' below). In these cases, the repetition of the author's name in the citation can be omitted as long as it does not generate ambiguity.  

  • Citing two or more works by the same author published in the same year

(Pickering, 1999a; 1999b)
(Pickering, 1999a, p.40; 1999b)
(Pickering, 1999a, p.40-50; 1999b, pp.5-10; 1999c)

To eliminate ambiguity, the author's texts published in the same year should be taken and letters assigned to their year of publication —starting from ‘a’— which will follow the numeral without a space. It is important to remember that the year and the paired letter must be expressed in the same way in the References section. For practical purposes, the repetition of the author's name can be omitted in the second text mentioned within the same citation and the following ones if this does not generate ambiguity.        

  • Citing works with two authors

(Shapin & Shaffer, 1985)
(Shapin & Shaffer, 1985, p.70)
(Shapin & Shaffer, 1985, pp.70-80)

We strongly encourage authors who write in Spanish to avoid the use of '&' both in body citations and in the references section.

  • Citing works with three or more authors

If we assume that the authors are Galison, Sánchez and Rodríguez:

(Galison et al., 2008)
(Galison et al., 2008, p.40)
(Galison et al., 2008, pp.40-50)

We emphasize the use of italics and period in 'et al.'. We note that texts by three or more authors are shortened in this way from the first citation if there is no ambiguity. You can review in this link problematic cases and how to solve them.

  • Citing with multiple sources

If you want to add more than one source in a specific citation, it must be done following the rules already mentioned and separating the texts alluded to with ';' within the same parentheses.  

(Woolgar, 1991; Pickering, 1999)
(Woolgar, 1991, p.10; Pickering, 1999a)
(Shapin y Shaffer, 1985, p.70; Pickering, 1999b)
(Galison et al., 2008, pp.40-50; Pickering, 1999a; Shapin & Shaffer, 1985)

  • Citing secondary sources

There are cases where the authors wish to quote a phrase present in a certain work to which they have not had access, but which is cited in a second text to which they did have. We recommend avoid this type of citation and always refer to primary sources. However, and if there is no other option, the following is recommended: If we imagine that we want to quote a phrase from Wolgar (1991) that is quoted in Pickering (1999).  

(Wolgar, 1991, as cited in Pickering, 1999)
(Wolgar, 1991, as cited in Pickering, 1999b, p.10)
(Wolgar, 1991, as cited in Pickering, 1999, pp.10-11)

3.2. References

References should be placed at the end of the body of the text, in an unnumbered section, entitled 'References' and whose content is arranged alphabetically. Only references cited in the body of the article should be included. Our journal does not publish recommended references or works used but not cited.   

The DOI Link [Digital Object Identifier] of all references must be indicated and not just their number (e.g. Today most scientific journals assign DOIs to their articles, but DOIs have been also assigned to several classic articles from various disciplines and books could also have DOIs. In case you do not have the DOI Link of your reference or do not know if it does have one, we recommend using the CrossRef locator tool. The use of ShortDOI tool to shorten these links is optional

Although APA 7th Edition has many models for different references, below we will share the most commonly used by our authors and some illustrative examples. We point out that punctuation and the use of italics must be strictly respected in them, that periods should not be placed at the end of the DOI Links and that in all the examples we already applied the ShortDOI.

  • Journal Articles


Surname, A., Surname, B. y Surname, C. (year). Title of the specific article. Title of the Journal, Volume(issue of the journal), number of the starting page – number of the final page.


Vallejos, G. (2022). Problemas contemporáneos en la filosofía de la bioquímica: lecciones desde el plegamiento de proteínas y el problema in-vitro/in-vivo. Revista Culturas Científicas, 3(1):101-156.

  • Books

It is important to point out that in APA 7th Edition it is no longer required to put the country of the publisher of the book, but only the name of the publisher.   


Surname, N. (year). Title of the Book. Editorial. DOI o URL if available


Galison, P. (1987). How Experiments End. Chicago University Press.

Darwin, C. (1877). The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilised by Insects. John Murray.

  • Book with editor(s):


Surname, A. (Ed.). (year). Title of the Book. Editorial. DOI o URL if available

Surname, A., Surname, B. y Surname, C. (Eds.). (year). Title of the Book. Editorial. DOI o URL if available


Xu, Y., Xu, D. y Liang, J. (Eds.). Computational Methods for Protein Structure Prediction and Modeling. Volume 2: Structure Prediction. Springer New York.

  • Citing the chapter of a book with editor(s):

It is important to mention that, although many books have DOIs, sometimes they have DOIs by chapters. Try to find the most accurate DOI for the reference used. In addition, specifying the start and end page of the chapter is optional.


Surname, A. y Surname, B. (year). Title of the chapter. En N. Surname (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Editorial. DOI o URL if available

Surname, A. (year). Title of the chapter. En A. Surname, B. Surname (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Editorial. DOI o URL if available


Pritchard, D. (2019). Epistemic relativism and epistemic internalism. En M. Kusch (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge.

Other cases can be commented, such as quotes from web pages or even Youtube. However, we ask our authors to be responsible by making sure that the media are stable, that they do not continuously alter their content and that the uploaded materials are not going to disappear in the short-medium term. We remember, following our archiving policy, that published articles will be kept for the long term. For this reason, it should be avoided that in the future they remain with inactive links that make them difficult to read. The editors could ask the authors to change this type of references by virtue of what here is stated.       

4. Manuscript submission

Once the authors have ensured that their manuscript complies with the 'Checklist for submission preparation', the article should be submitted. Both the list and the links to make the submit can be found at the beginning of this page


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Once you have logged in, a new message will appear containing the option to 'Make a new submission'. You will find further instructions there.

If you have any questions regarding this process, send an email to the address Do not send articles to this address, they will not be considered for evaluation. 


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