Editorial Process

ÁyR carries out a meticulous editorial work, distributed in different stages and in which all its committees collaborate. In this one you can see the work on decision-making, the actors involved and the average deadlines from the sending to the publication of the text.

Submission of articles

Any contribution that wants to be evaluated by ÁyR must be submitted through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform of the University. To do this, you must be previously registered [register here]. Create a username and password with an email address that you use, and start with "Send": the system will guide you through the process. The author should consistently use a single name in the metadata and work.

Don't forget to fill in all the requested information. If in doubt, please review the [Author's Guide]

Preliminary Evaluation

Submitted articles are reviewed for editorial quality: structure, format, content, and citation standards by the American Psychological Association (APA 7th Edition). This evaluation is carried out by the Editorial Team of the journal. Within ten (10) days, the OJS system will be notified if it is accepted or rejected to be evaluated by the blind informants. In the event that the text has minor shortcomings, the author will be informed so that the adjustments can be made within a week. If the deadline for sending the document is not met, it will be removed from the platform.

At this stage, the similarity-plagiarism check is also carried out to ensure that the article is original and unpublished. The review is accompanied by the [Declaration of Originality, Integrity, and Assignment of Rights letter] and [a brief resume of the author or authors].

Peer Review or Arbitrators

Each contribution is evaluated by two (2) experts in the field. They are responsible for certifying the scientific quality of the article from the double-blind modality, which consists of the anonymity of the authorship and the informants.

Arbitrators must have a degree equal to or higher than a Master's degree, and comply with the [ethical responsibilities] of the position. The Editorial Team, together with the Advisory Board, are in charge of appointing them.

Referees will use the online [judging scoreline], which sets out the following criteria: mastery and presentation of content and overall appreciation.

The evaluators will indicate if the article is: accepted, accepted with changes and not accepted. The result is communicated to the authors through the OJS platform.

Once the manuscript is accepted, it will be sent to the authors so that they can make modifications to the document. Along with this will be a letter of result where the adjustments requested by the evaluators and the Editorial Team will be evidenced. In the event that the authors do not fully comply with the requested adjustments, they must indicate the arguments in this same letter.

In the event of a dispute (e.g., where one arbitrator accepts and another rejects), a third peer is requested to settle the dispute. In any case, it is the Editorial Team of the journal who has the final decision to reject or accept the article. This process lasts approximately between four (4) and twelve (12) weeks.

Final validation and adjustments of the manuscript

Once the authors have made the adjustments indicated by the expert reviewers and the journal's editorial team, they will be notified through the OJS platform that their article has been accepted for publication. The general editor is responsible for reviewing the metadata of the article in the three languages (Spanish, English, and Portuguese) in the OJS platform, assign DOI and distribute the article to those responsible for proofreading, layout and deposit.

The published articles will be in OJS and [databases] where the journal is indexed. This process takes approximately one week.

Once the layout of the article is finished, it is sent to the authors for the final approval (VºBº). Once it is returned to the general editor, it is added to the next issue of the journal in the OJS platform.

After publication, the general editor proceeds with the metadata deposit and activation of the DOI and Crossref, as well as sending the metadata record to the different information systems and the bulletin where the journal is indexed.