Types of Contributions

ÁyR, a peer-reviewed journal, publishes articles that meet the following basic criteria:

  1. Original
  2. Results of scientific research processes
  3. Not being simultaneously submitted to other journals.

The publication considers the following types of contributions:

  • Research Articles:A document that details the original results of research projects. The structure of this type of article typically contains the following sections: title, abstract, key words, introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, analysis and discussion of results, conclusions, and references. Authors are encouraged to include graphic aids.
  • Theme Reviews:A document resulting from a critical revision of literature related to a specific topic. This kind of article is derived from research in which published or non-published research results in a scientific field are analyzed, systematized, and integrated in order to inform readers of the latest tendencies and developments. A minimum of 50 bibliographical references is required.
  • Reviews: Reviews of books, conferences, websites or exhibitions consist of bibliographic data, comments and the reviewer's personal information at the end of the document. It includes a description of the reviewed item, an evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses, and a commentary on the interest of the reviewed item for the journal's target audience.
  • Notes: They are descriptive and interpretive texts of a work, author, book, conference or exhibition, followed by a critical evaluation of its interest or originality for the specialized community. They are usually shorter than articles and longer than reviews, without all the referencing of a scientific study, but equally coherent and adequately supported. Its length is 3000 to 5000 words.