Justice or acquittal when facing social dilemma?Causal schemes used by Peruvians, Colombians and Venezuelans





argumentative scheme, social dilemma, migrant communities, pragma-dialectical theory, argumentation


The discourse construction of migration constitutes an aspect of particular interest in the news, social networks and statements by political actors in the public sphere. In many cases, immigration and migrants are approached as a relatively homogeneous whole, without properly considering the structures of social differentiation. This study focuses on the discursive positioning of these groups and the argumentative patterns on which they base their points of view. The objective is to identify the argumentative schemes used by immigrants from Venezuela, Peru and Colombia in the face of a classic example of social dilemma, considering country of origin and gender. The research design is qualitative with a descriptive-interpretive scope. The theoretical-methodological framework of the research is based on analysis of argumentative discourse, considering a pragma-dialectical perspective, together with contributions from the field of argumentation theory of Van Eemeren & Grootendorst (2002,2004), Toulmin (1958) and Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca (1958). The results show contrasts in relation to the use of causal argumentative schemes, as well as differences between men and women.


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How to Cite

Quintrileo LLancao, C. (2024). Justice or acquittal when facing social dilemma?Causal schemes used by Peruvians, Colombians and Venezuelans. Árboles Y Rizomas, 6(2), 46-63. https://doi.org/10.35588/ayr.v6i2.6845