Approaching grammatical free indirect style based on the CEILE corpus




syntax, free indirect style, atypical direct style, Corpus Linguistics, CEILE


The indirect free style, as discourse reproduction procedure, has been studied from different disciplines From a grammatical point of view there is no consensus among authors when it comes to categorizing it. Based on a critical analysis of the state of the art, the main theories about the syntax of the indirect free style in Spanish will be highlighted and a new avenue to explore suggested. This contribution approaches the problem from using corpus linguistics, by creating a specific corpus of free indirect style. For this purpose, the Corpus de Estilo Indirecto Libre en Español (CEILE) is presented to facilitate the work of compiling and classifying texts for subsequent analysis that may be useful to delve into the object of study from a greater number and variety of texts. In addition, a different approach is proposed when contrasting the free indirect style with other forms of discourse reproduction that goes beyond the prototypical ones and attends to the so-called atypical direct style, whose preliminary analysis points to a grammatical and discursive configuration that brings them close together. Without totally resolving the existing controversy, the present work only seeks to channel a possible line of research that could shed light on the problem of the indirect free style in Spanish grammar.


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How to Cite

Approaching grammatical free indirect style based on the CEILE corpus. (2020). Árboles Y Rizomas, 2(2), 28-43.