Discourse analysis of Guidelines for the Inclusion of LGBTI People in the Educational System





Critical Discourse Studies, Appraisal theory, LGTBI, inclusion


In 2017, the Chilean Ministry of Education launched Circular N°0768 on rights for trans students in schools. This paperwork was followed by the official document called Guidelines for Inclusion of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans and Intersex people in the Chilean Educational System. This document formally constructs a particular subject of inclusion in school settings regarding LGBTI students. This study analyses the text Guidelines through Critical Discourse Studies (Fairclough, 2003) that understand discourse as a fundamental element in social practices. The text has been analysed using Systemic Functional Linguistic and the APPRAISAL system (Martin & White, 2005; Oteíza, 2017). This qualitative research aims to identify the evaluative patterns of the official text Guidelines and relate them to the social practices that are therein encouraged. The findings highlight that adults in the Guidelines are valued discursively with high integrity but with low capacity regarding their relationship with LGTBI students at schools, which is expressed through negative JUDGEMENT of Capacity. By contrast, students whose evaluations convey positive Integrity JUDGEMENT and Negative Capacity, are considered responsible but inexperienced participants. The publication of this official document constructs a new inclusion individual through specific evaluative patterns: student (+) Capacity/ (+) Integrity. In turn, it is proposed that the inclusion process be generated by the students, reducing adults' participation and other excluding social factors.


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How to Cite

Discourse analysis of Guidelines for the Inclusion of LGBTI People in the Educational System. (2019). Árboles Y Rizomas, 1(2), 33-50. https://doi.org/10.35588/ayr.v1i2.3933