Secondary predication in Spanish: syntactic semantic representation and analysis




predicative complement, adjunct, Predicate Phrase, reduced clause


Predication corresponds to a semantic phenomenon which projects onto syntax and allows to establish the primary subject-predicate relationship for the expression of meaning at the sentence level. It is also known that another type of predication can be established between the internal elements that are selected by the main predicate. Syntactic representation and analysis of secondary predication has been mainly studied from the traditional generative grammar approach; nevertheless, there still exist diverging perspectives that consider secondary predication as a reduced clause and as a functional category. The purpose of this paper is to compare these perspectives and analyze their descriptive and explanatory adequacy from a syntactic-semantic approach. In the light of its relevance in the expression of meaning we conclude that predication as a functional category allows to account for a single function that integrates primary and secondary operations in a hierarchical way. At the end of this paper we also discuss the predictive potential of secondary predication in Spanish at the neurolinguistic level.


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How to Cite

Secondary predication in Spanish: syntactic semantic representation and analysis. (2019). Árboles Y Rizomas, 1(1), 111-125.