Quadratic Model for Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on the Human Resources Soft Skills
quadratic model, Covid-19, human resources, soft skillsAbstract
We present an quadratic model of mechanism for assessing the consequences of the Covid-19 impact on the soft skills of the human resources potential in Ukraine. The model calculates the outcomes and underscores the importance of dedicating resources to the updating of soft skills taking into account remote work, the process of nowadays-digital transformation, and shifting job requirements during Covid times. Specific indicators related to the influence of employees’ soft skills during the Covid-19 pandemic were determinated, and numerical 24 indicators where related to employees’ soft skills. The calculation of the integral indicator is based survey of 100 respondents of employees of 10 enterprises. Analytical procedures are used through technical means of information by support of Microsoft Excel, namely, quadratic correlation and regression analysis, followed by the formation of a polynomial trend line of the fourth degree. The analysis outcomes affirm the emergence of two potential scenarios that have become feasible amidst the pandemic. Imposed by various constraints, employees have been compelled to adapt and enhance their competencies and other proficiencies in remote communication, in order to make informed decisions pertaining to enterprise management and economic activities.
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