The Chacolí de Doñihue Festival: Historical and Cultural Analysis of a Celebration (1975-2020)




chacoli, Doñihue, Chile, festival, Intangible Cultural Heritage


This article examines the origin and development of the Chacolí de Doñihue Festival, in the O’Higgins Region, from its first version in 1975 to the present. The existence of three different moments of the celebration is verified, with a change of focus and significance, from a civic festival associated with a colonial type of sacralizing legitimation (1975-1977), passing through a period where the figure of the chacolí, mainly, through the exclusion of the chacoliceros, lost importance (1978-2016), and a third moment (2017-2019) in which the festival was reconfigured by external intervention and acquired festive dyes of a productive nature associated with the harvest around the figure recovered from the chacolí. The article asks the reason for the oscillation of the figuration of the chacolí in the party that bears his name. It is concluded that this had to do with the real character of the festival and the equivocation of the name: the festival was created to honor the communal anniversary, not the chacolí. To carry out the analysis, the press of the O’Higgins Region is used as a source, from 1975 to 2020, as well as reference photographic material of the celebrations held between 2017 and 2019.


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