Adaptation and Validation of an Emotional Intelligence Instrument for Personnel Selection in the Chilean Public Health System




instrument, emotional intelligence, adaptation and validation


This article describes the stages to adapt, validate and perform a factor analysis on the Emotional Intelligence scale (López-Zafra, Pulido y Berrios, 2014), whose purpose is to provide a valid and reliable instrument for the selection of people in the health area. The sample was N=142 people. The results show adequate values for these tests KMO=0.62; Sig < 0.05; GFI= 0.956; RMSR= 0.076; Kelley´s criterion= 0.0842; McDonal´s Omega= 0.767 and Standarized Cronbach´s alpha= 0.757.

Finally, the Emotional Intelligence scale is made up of a total of 17 items explained by two factors, the first factor refers to the management of everyday situations and the second factor to the intrapersonal situation. The analyzes were carried out in the statistical programs FACTOR and JAMOVI.


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Author Biographies

  • Jorge Alberto Sepúlveda-Fuentes, Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes

    Master Universidad de Talca, Chile, Universidad Miguel Hernández, España. Lic. en Psicología. Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes. Parral, Chile.

  • Ignacio Lalanne-Segovia, Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes

    Lic. en Medicina Universidad de Chile. Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes. Cauquenes, Chile.

  • María Angélica Gatica-Meza, Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes

    Lic. en Trabajo Social Instituto Profesional Valle Central. Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes. Cauquenes, Chile.

  • María Teresa Muñoz-Durán, Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes

    Lic. en Psicología Universidad de Concepción. Hospital San Juan de Dios de Cauquenes. Cauquenes, Chile.


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People Management

How to Cite

Adaptation and Validation of an Emotional Intelligence Instrument for Personnel Selection in the Chilean Public Health System. (2024). People and Technology Management Journal, 17(51), 1-15.