Desafíos territoriales y culturales. Oportunidades siglo XXI para Chile. Una Mirada Post - Crítica a un Desafío Vigente.




cultures, interdisciplinary, technologies, humanities, Heidegger, Snow, Sloterdijk


This article puts in reflective tension, on the one hand, what was said by Charles Percy Snow in 1959 and, on the other, the corrective response forty-five years later on the part of Peter Sloterdijk. The first advanced that the most radical concern of the late modern consisted of the divorce between scientific and humanistic culture. The second, on the other hand, advances that such a dilemma has existed for centuries and that in the 20th century it took on the characteristics of a catastrophe. Assuming the difference between these two thinkers, the hypothesis here is the following: in this tension, not only does the greatest global challenge of the 21st century seem to be revealed, but also an extraordinary possibility and opportunity for countries like ours that, from precarious conditions of scientific development technology have - from a globally shared perplexity and uncertainty -, with geographic and population privileges that can offer an unbeatable context to respond to said challenging tension.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Contreras Godoy, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

    Doctor en Filosofía y Docente, Departamento de Estudios Humanísticos, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Campus Casa Central, Valparaíso, Chile.


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People Management

How to Cite

Desafíos territoriales y culturales. Oportunidades siglo XXI para Chile. Una Mirada Post - Crítica a un Desafío Vigente. (2022). People and Technology Management Journal, 15(44), 25.