Editorial policies and standards

Guidelines for Article Preparation

As part of the submission process, authors are required to ensure that their submission complies with all the elements listed below. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  1. The contribution must be original, i.e., it has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere (or an explanation has been provided in the Editor Comments).
  2. The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format as required by the journal.
  3. Web addresses have been added for the references wherever possible.
  4. The text follows single line spacing; font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, not at the end.
  5. The text complies with the bibliographic and stylistic requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in the About the Journal section.

Academic, research, and interested professional communities are invited to submit their articles for consideration in the journal, adhering to at least the following editorial standards.

  1. The length should range from 5,000 to 8,000 words. Text in Calibri font, size 12, justified alignment, single line spacing. Titles or headings in Calibri font, size 14, uppercase, double line spacing, formatted according to APA heading format. Subheadings in Calibri font, size 12, initial capital letter, 1.5 line spacing.

  2. Each submission must be accompanied by a cover page containing:

  • Article Title. Calibri font, size 16, uppercase, bold, single line spacing, centered.
  • Subtitle (if applicable). Calibri font, size 14, sentence case, bold, italic, single line spacing, centered.
  • Author(s) Name. Calibri font, size 14, uppercase, bold, single line spacing, justified.
  • Institutional Affiliation. Below the name, institution affiliation and country, without job title. Calibri font, size 12, sentence case, italic, single line spacing, justified.
  • Contact Email. Preferably institutional email. Calibri font, size 12, lowercase, single line spacing, justified.
  • ORCID iD. Calibri font, size 12, lowercase, single line spacing, justified. (https://orcid.org/)
  • Biographical Statement. Below Institutional Affiliation. Text, up to 120 words, briefly describing each author's biography. Calibri font, size 12, sentence case, single line spacing, justified.
  • Abstract and Keywords in Spanish. Reflects the article content, maximum 120 words, maximum 5 keywords. Calibri font, size 12, sentence case, italic, single line spacing, justified.
  • Abstract and Keywords in English. Same characteristics as in Spanish.
  1. The article structure must include components recommended by the APA JARS (Standards for Reporting Articles).

  2. Short quotations (less than 40 words) should be incorporated into the text and enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”). For longer quotations (40 words or more), place the text in a separate block and do not use any quotation marks.

References should be presented at the end of the manuscript, alphabetically ordered, and adhere to the following format: a. Books: Last name, First name, Year (in parentheses), Title (in italics), City, Publisher. b. Chapter in an edited book: Last name, First name, Year (in parentheses), Title of chapter (in quotes), In Editor's name (Ed.), Title of the book (in italics), City, Publisher. c. Periodicals: Last name, First name, Year (in parentheses), Title of article (in quotes), In Name of Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages. d. Website: Website name, Year and Month (in parentheses), Title in quotes, Date accessed, URL link.

References to other authors' work must be cited in the text following APA 7th edition style.

  1. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, used only to provide essential clarifications or expansions on ideas presented in the text.

  2. References should include only information from cited works following the reference standards outlined in point 3. Each referenced work should include its DOI if applicable.

  3. Tables and figures essential for understanding the text should be presented in grayscale, with different fill patterns if applicable.

  4. Annexes should be included at the end of the text after the references, limited to a maximum of 2,000 words.

  5. Articles must be submitted in Spanish, with mandatory components in English (such as abstract and keywords).