Submission and reception of articles

To propose any publishable material in Políticas Públicas, an appropriate style is required to the authorships which can be seen both here and in Sending. That style looks upon these aspects:

  • Extension. The manuscript able to review as publishable article must contain 5.000 words as minimum and 8.000 word approximately as maximum. This maximum can be flexible in according to the magnitude of required information depending on the type of contribution and its pertinent shapes and contents (the respective tabs are recommended to see in our website).
  • Font Style for Manuscript Title. The font is fitting for the utilised by MS Office Word, Calibri bold font, size 16, centred or left margin, single lead.
  • Font Style for Chapters Titles. The font is fitting for the utilised by MS Office Word, Calibri font, size 14, justified alignment or left margin, 2.0 lead.
  • Font Style for Headings. The font is fitting for the utilised by MS Office Word, Calibri font, size 14 for chapters and 12 for sections, 2.0 lead.
  • Font Style for Section Subheading. The font is fitting for the utilised by MS Office Word, Calibri font, size 12, 1.5 lead.
  • General Style for Sections, Subsections, or Titled Paragraphs. In general, in according to a best accuracy and clarity of information exposition, the using of APA Style for Headings is requested.

In addition to above, all submission must look upon these elementary regarding.

1] Article Title

The title should concurrently specify the article content and draw attention of readers. Políticas Públicas suggests a title which:

  • Specifies and explanation by itself.
  • Holds between 75 and 120 characters.
  • Uses punctuation marks and brackets to specify the content.
  • Foresees and guards against the use of qualifier adjectives.
  • Avoids jargons, barbarisms, argots, idioms or, in general, linguistic local peculiarities.
  • Avoids the excess of rhetorical figures.
  • Avoids redundancy and abbreviations.
  • Avoids exclamation marks and guards against rhetorical questions.

2] Authorship Names

Políticas Públicas does not mandate the names and last names use in a specific manner. Having said that, our journal exhorts the continuous use of name(s) and last name(s) in order to avoid both confusion with seemed signatures and the cites losing among publications. For this, Políticas Públicas suggests:

  • Abides by ORCID. The Open Research and Contributor ID community, which is mandatory to submit publishable material in our journal, shields and allows to add publications and academic credentials of researchers and authors. In this sense, the signature, which ORCID contains or frequently uses in other articles, is recommended.
  • IRALIS Criteria. The International Registry for Authors (IRALIS) regards recommendations to create signatures in this link.


Políticas Públicas does not accept manuscripts that no have the ORCID alphanumerical code for every author.

4] Introduction for Every Author

Independent of sender of publishable material to Políticas Públicas, every research author or creation of material author, in general, must present this information:

  • Full name of each one and signature name for author.
  • Institutional/Organizational affiliation: institute/organization name, county/city and country organization/institute.
  • Academic credentials of each author. This includes undergraduate and postgraduate studies, either candidate or graduate. Professional studies as diploma, extension or training courses are excluded (with exception of “Diploma de Estudios Avanzados” [Advanced Study Diploma] in case of Spain).
  • Contact email (at least of who remits).
  • Optionally, the position of every author in an organization.

This information must send manuscript title underneath (see Submissions) and can also be sent in other file belonging to the submitted material. All aforementioned information is requested: if not, will be refusal causal.

5] Article Provenience

The authorship is responsible to indicate the origin of sent material to Políticas Públicas in its total o partial aspects. By default, Políticas Públicas will suppose that material comes from of personal projects or initiatives of each author.

Having said that, when the institutional, organizational funding or within collective projects (such as seminars, colloquiums, etc.), the omission of provenience can constitute refusal or retraction causal. Likewise, Políticas Públicas reserves the right to send background information to the competent normative/legal authority of the Santiago de Chile University.

6] Abstract and Keywords

The abstract is the more attractive aspect for the reader community, after title, of manuscript and, later, of an article. A maximum of 120 words is requested (see Submissions). Ultimately, abstract is the synthesis of article content in a delimited space; also, abstract contains in its information without dividing in sections as minimum:

  • Introduction. The theme linked to the study object and type of contribution, in according to our classification, is regarded.
  • Problematisation. Either in a research question manner (acceptable for scientific articles and case studies) or in a reflection objective manner (acceptable for essays), the presentation of study object and its theoretical framework is regarded.
  • Used Method. A brief exposition of methodology (focus, method and technique, at least) is regarded. This is requested for scientific articles and case studies.
  • Findings. A brief exposition of relevant findings in according to the determined coherence since the Introduction is looked upon, regarding always the attraction for the reader community.
  • Final Considerations. A close outline of Introduction and Problematisation, in according with the findings, is regarded.

Together with this abstract, the other attractive aspect for the reader community which synthesises the article presentation is the set of keywords. A minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 minimal notions is requested. The authorship must take account for the keywords, both English and Castilian, are the easy way to identifying all written creation.

7] Tables, Figures, Charts, and Bibliographical References

All parts of article which are not text, whose aim is the clarity and/or synthesis of information and knowledge contribution, such as tables, figures or charts, must be presented in penultimate or ultimate edition APA Style. Políticas Públicas requests this structure for each one:

  • Correlate Number of Element. In bold and straight letter, in aside and separated line, the element followed by its number of appearance(s) in manuscript should be placed. For example: Table 1, Table 2, etc.
  • Element Title. In italics, no bold, in aside line separated of precedent row, the title of element, which synthesises both given or interest information and time or spatial delimitation at least, should be placed. For example: “Pregnant Girls Number in Public Educative Establishments of Ranco Provence”; also, “Robbery Notifies Number from Bank Entities in Guipuzcoa Provence (2011-2021)”.
  • Body. Adhering to recommendations outlined below, this refers to the element by itself.
  • Note. In size 10 letter, with “Note” (italics, no bold and final full stop) term, the source in according to APA Style must be placed and, when applicable, specification notes of element content.

The Bibliographical References are a demand for Políticas Públicas. All indirect or direct cite must be searched referenced in this section. This last one should list the references in last names alphabetical order.

For Table cases, the APA Style for Tables website is recommended to visit.

For Figures and Bibliographical References, the Carlos III of Madrid University website is recommended to visit.