Sembrando Vida in San Luis Potosí
Organization and Results in Environmental, Social, and Local Economy Aspects
Sembrando Vida, Environment, Social Fabric, Local EconomyAbstract
This article reveals an approach to the outcome evaluation in environmental, social, and local economy aspects with respect to the implementation of Sembrando Vida program in the territories which hold this public policy in the San Luis Potosí state. Successes, critical issues, lessons, and pending agenda of program are exposed in the last five years of its development. Results, as for planned goals in its Operation Rules and posed objectives in the National Development Plan (2019-2024), are showed. The applied qualitative methodology is participant observation, with the Peasant Learning Communities together with social and productive technicians, during post-doctoral stay effected in its incidence form, offered by the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, and Technologies in 2023.
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