The Great Failure of Gradualism in Venezuela II
From the Government of Hugo Chavez until the End of First Government of Nicolas Maduro
Economic Policies, Gradualism, Shock Policies, Venezuela, BolivarianismAbstract
The gradualism is linked with the conservation of exchange rates and prices controls, meanwhile the shock policies are affixed in devaluations and liberalizations. In the case of Venezuela, the long-term economic policy is connected to the gradualism and, therefore, the past. It observes that Venezuela have been a country without acceptable economic liberties where the shock policies are absents. Since the capture of power by Hugo Chavez, the economic liberties have not only constricted worse than precedent years, but the private property has been undermined and the public doubt has brought at risk of default. This essay is the end of a path started in a previous article, trusting in the international instances as the IMF and the implementation of shock policies to resolver the burden of some then and now harmful economic policies.
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