Cybersecurity Evaluation Model in Public Institutions
Implementation and Actions Proposal in Public Services
Cybersecurity, CSIRT, Evaluation Model, Prevention, ProtectionAbstract
This article presents the design and application of a model for assessment with respect to the maturity level of cybersecurity in the public domain: the Cybersecurity in Public Institutions Evaluation Model. For its design, it analyzed and extracted elements of two models: one by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity and the other by the Organization of American States together with Inter-American Development Bank. In turn, it followed the guidelines of National Cybersecurity Policy in Chile and the distinct current resources. For its execution, it exploratorily implemented in the Superintendency of Insolvency and Re-sumption/Re-entrepreneurship and the Office of National Economic Prosecutor. It evinced that this Model allows for identifying advances and weaknesses in the matter and, from the last ones, generating mitigation and improvement proposals.
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