Relationship between the Free-of-Charge Implementation and Redistribution of Enrollment in Superior Education Institutions in Chile (2016-2022)


  • María José Vásquez Estudiante



Education Free-of-Charge, Enrollment of Superior Education, Educative Funding System, Chilean Superior Education


The present article aims at analyzing which effects have the free-of-charge public policy generated in the enrolment of the Superior Education in Chile, since its application in 2016 until 2022. According to this, it pretends both to estimate how have distributed the set of enrolled students in the Education Superior system, as new establishments are affiliated with this state benefit, as well as to compare the evolution of institutions and degrees which the with or without free-of-charge students get into. For this, it made a descriptive statistical analysis from the information gathering available in the Study Centre of Education Ministry. In this case, not only focused on universities, but also in Professional Institutes and Technical Education Centers.


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