The September 11th, 1973. A Not Wanted End, but Heralded


  • Alejandro San Francisco



Institutional Breakdown, Integral Crisis, Political Contradictions


What reasons may have influenced in the resolution of Armed Forces and the institutional breakdown, as in the military intervention of september 11th? The issue will always have political features inside of analyses and contradictory explanations from the essential actors of then. Nevertheless, this does not excuse the necessary effort that must make to try understand the factors hastened the crisis and the end of institutional regime in Chile. In this essay, I hold the democracy could not save from, because there was not the indispensable condition for this: rationality. Thus, I observe, from the anticommunist oposition with its appeals to military coup, passing through the Christian Democrat divergences, until the militarization of politics and the militar politicization, the multiple and hard contradictions became critical the sustainability of one of the more long-lasting and prestigious democracies in the occidental hemisphere.


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