Origins of Policy Subsystem of Genetic Resources Access and Benefit Sharing in Colombia


  • Martha Isabel Gómez Lee Universidad Externado de Colombia



Advocacy Coalitions Framework, Policy Core Beliefs, Genetic Resources, Complex Governance, Subsystems


This article applies the advocacy coalition framework to the Colombian political context, to analyze how different actors organized a collaborative work during the formulation of Decision 391/1996, Common Regime on Access to Genetic Resources of Andean Community (CAN in Spanish). It was found, because of policy decisions and impacts of intellectual property subsystem, a subsystem was created concerning the access to genetic resources and benefit sharing (ABS) which is imbedded into the intellectual property subsystem. This is consisting of public, private and transnational actors agglutinated in two advocacy coalitions: sustainable development and protection of cultural rights. The last one was led by Diana Pombo, who mobilized transnational actors and coordinated the Ad-Hoc Group of Biodiversity. This case shows the necessity of ask about the scopes of subsystem and the composition of advocacy coalitions facing the complex governance.


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