
The Dragon Body


  • Rainer María Hauser Molina Sociólogo. MGP /FAE / USACH




Climate Chaos, Democracy, Transparency, Ethics, Disruptive Technologies


The following lines are, almost without alteration —both to preserve its creative spontaneity and the principles which the oral transmission stays within—, the theoretical notes that go with the practical progresses of my three last classes of Transparency and Democracy subject in 2022. I do not intend to give a final shape to the matters that cover the syllabus. I hope the bibliography in the end works to the very good students who assist to my classes. Also, I think these words contribute to a political reflection about the cultural issues that,more insensitive than do not, the market education results in. Finally, this professor, when communicates his reflection in some lines about the theoretical scopes in the treatment of planned and broached in classes themes, hopes to reach a larger reader public than who goes to those, their travel companions.


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