Financial Health Protection of Households in Greater Santiago in the Years 1997 and 2017


  • Gonzalo Pacheco



Health Economics, Equity in Health, Financial Contribution, Health Systems, Out-of-pockets Expenses


This study focuses on health economics, and aims to compare equity in the financing of the Chilean health system in Greater Santiago in the years 1997 and 2017. The methodology used was a descriptive study, which was carried out in three phases. For this, a reference framework was structured for the work with indicators of the World Health Organization (WHO), and the information collected from the Survey of Family Budgets of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Chile, to later evaluate the performance of the health system, in terms of equity. The financial protection index classifies households in relation to out-of-pocket spending in percentage values.

It was concluded that out-of-pocket spending on health continues to be high and regressive, with changes in the structure, less financial protection, since more people are spending on health despite the implications of the Plan Auge and the programs implemented in 1997 and 2017.


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