Ways out from Crisis and New Welfare Models


  • Gonzalo Daniel Martner Fanta Director of the Centre of Studies for Development Policies, Faculty of Administration and Economy, USACH




Crisis, Welfare models, Mixed economy, Technological revolution, Circular economy


It is argued that nowadays at least five effects are combined in society that requires political answers: the global economic crisis consequences on inequality, the climate change, new viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, a new technologic phase and a crisis of representation. To address these effects a new Democratic Welfare State 3.0 is proposed that guarantee the provision of fundamental goods, improve the subordinate condition of women, based on a mixed economy that operates on an “inverse subsidiary” principle. This new phase should amend workers participation in corporations, that the core of economy is meant to be full employment, finish with the “capitalism of heirs”, and create a Deconcentration and Sustainability Fund, among another five allocation logics proposed. Moreover, fourth industrial revolution risks and opportunities should be considered and address this transformation on a mixed manner -for example through technological missions-, democratically, and circular. The paper concludes proposing a decalogue of policy redefinitions.


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2022-02-02 — Updated on 2024-09-26




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