Climate chaos is in the earth, not in the sky
We are era.
Myths, Cyberculture, Unity of human spirit, Climate chaosAbstract
With some commentaries, I present a find text of 2001, in which taking a quote of Levi-Strauss, to analyze the myths, I stated that we can utilize it to understand the otherwise incomprehensible phenomena of internet and the social web, and so actualizing the master´s thesis of the oneness of human spirit. It finished with a Post Scriptum note, who considered the Twin Towers demolition in NY, as the beginning of a terror war on humanity, that climate crisis and Sindemia shown unequivocally true in the past twenty years. The 5th of October declaration of Climate Emergency by the Constituent Convention of Chile, and the defeat of USA in Afghanistan, show meaningful synchronicity with my findings of that writing of 2001.
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