Economic reforms for the constituent period in Chile


  • Eduardo Titelman USACH



constitution, chile, economic reforms, natural resources, labor market, socioeconomic rights, economic development


The article presents proposals for economic reforms during the constituent period that began with the Constitutional Convention, elected in May, 2021, and will culminate during the next administrations.
The areas covered by the proposals are: The right to work and to dignity at work; The State and economic development; socioeconomic rights.
In the introduction a point is made that, considering the current development of social movements, the proposals seek to leave neoliberalism behind by establishing a more just and human form of capitalism in Chile. However, based upon a reflection on inequality and capitalism, a call is made to carry forward the reforms not as adjustments needed to perpetuate capitalism, but as steps in the direction of pacifically overcoming it by advancing towards a society based upon collaboration and solidarity among free persons.


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