The Provinces and the Metropolitan Areas in Colombia: Powers for Integration and Regional Development.


  • Olga Zapata



inter-municipal cooperation, regional integration, intergovernmental relations, governance, territorial justice


The process of Colombian decentralization triggered a series of reforms and institutional changes that have influenced the multilevel relationship and integration strategies and regional planning and development throughout the national territory. Thus, changes such as the popular election of governors, the obligation to govern through development plans and the Organic Law of Territorial Ordering promised a better organization of the planning process because they introduced new figures to enhance inter-municipal cooperation, regional integration and territorial justice.

In Colombia, there are 49 intermunicipal associations, whose objectives and purposes are based on common problems and needs. Among the general achievements of these experiences are: the spaces for dialogue between municipalities, the intervention of common problems through regional investment projects, as well as the improvement of planning and land management. On the other hand, the challenges are concentrated on the insufficient financing for the operation and sustainability of the associations and the meager support of the departmental and national governments. However, recent regulations favor a better outlining and planning process based on the diversity of municipalities that the country has, which would meet the challenges of the decentralization process and the competitiveness of Colombia.


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Author Biography

  • Olga Zapata

    Académica Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín Colombia






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