Las órdenes de la realidad y de la praxis. Notas sobre la posibilidad de cambio en una perspectiva de autonomía.


  • Rafael Kries


Subject, Transformation, Political Will, Autonomy


The understanding of a person of his circumstance in which he organizes, decides and acts upon is simultaneously the world´s reality that is revealed in his history as well as in his own singularity in the totality of the world. At the same time, this understanding is not just a step of thought, since there is no reality if not in historic relationship with men that can transform it. In second place, the possibility of revolutionary transformation is a result of men´s activities in the realms of totality and political will. Group articulation, segments and social layers as well as their interations at different levels of which we apprehend as a whole, is carried out not only as an expression of subjectiveness and consciousness but as the last expression of class conformation around a centrality of reproduction or subversión of the existing totality.


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