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Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors

Iterested professionals, investigators and scholars are invited to submit their articles, which will be considered for the inclusion in the journal, considering at least the following editorial norms.

1. The article extension must be between 5.000 and 8.000 words. Text on Calibri caption, 12 size, justified, simple line space. Titles, Calibri caption, 14 size, capital letters, 2,0 line space, in accordance with APA style headings. Subtitles, Calibri 12 caption, frst letter on capital, 1,5 line space.

2. Every collaboration must be preceded by a page in which appear:
     - Article Title. Calibri caption, 16 size, capitals, bold, simple line space, centered.
     - Subtitle (only if correspond to). Calibri caption, 14 size, frst letter on capital, bold, italics, simple line space, centered.
     - Authors name/s. Calibri caption, 14 size, capitals, bold, simple line space, justified.
     - Institutional affiliation. Below the authors name, institution and institutions country which author belong, not the position. Calibri caption, 12 size, first letter on capital, italics, simple line space, justified.
     - Contact e-mail. Preferably institutional e-mail. Calibri caption, 12 size, lowercase, simple line space, justified.
     - ORCID identification number. Calibri caption, 12 size, first letter on capital, italics, simple line space, justified.. (
     - Biographical description. Below institutional affiliation. Text not bigger than 120 words in which briefly describes each authors biography. Calibri caption, 12 size, first letter on capital, italics, simple line space, justified.
     - Spanish key words and summary. Shows article content, 120 words maximum, 5 key words maximum. Calibri caption, 12 size, first letter on capital, italics, simple line space, justified.
     - English key words and summary. Same characteristics that in Spanish.

3. The article structure must consider the components suggested by the APA Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS).

4. Brief quotations (at least 40 words) must be included in the text and enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”). For long citations (those exceeding 40 words), place the text in a separate block and do not use any type of quotation marks.

The bibliography must be presented at the end of the work, in alphabetical order and in accordance with the following scheme:
a. Books: surnames, name, year (in parentheses), title (in italics), city, publisher.
b. Article compiled in a book: surnames, name, year (in parentheses), title (in quotation marks), the word in, name of the compiler, title of the book (in italics), city, publisher.
c. Periodical publications: last name, first name, year (in parentheses), title (in quotation marks), the word in, publication name, volume, number, pages.
d. Website: site name, year, and month (in parentheses), title in quotes, specific date visited, site link.

5. Foot notes on pages must be restricted to the essentials, only keeping for clarifications and extension of some idea in the text.

6. References must contain only quoted works information according with the references norms of point 3. Each referenced work must include DOI code if is appropriate.

7. Figures and graphics which are indispensables for text understanding must be recorded in black and white, distinguishing by different fill if correspond.

8. Annex information must be included at the end of the text after references, considering 2.000 words maximum.

9. Articles must be sent on Spanish, regardless of mandatory English components (such as summary and key words).

Privacy Statement

Authors names, their institutional afiliation and e-mails will be avilable on the Journal publishing to readers contact and are not going to be used with different purposes. In turn the confidentiality of edotorial process is guaranteed.