The problem of sense in violence. Contributions of the phenomenological-interpretative approach to the analysis of judicial sources


  • Agustina Carrizo de Reimann Universidad de Leipzig


violence, Neue Gewaltsoziologie, phenomenology, meanings, judicial sources


The brief essay considers the problem of interpretation posed by “senseless violence”. For this aim, ittakes the phenomenological-interpretative approach developed by the Neue Gewaltsoziologie at the end ofthe nineteen-nineties in Germany and revisits its contributions and limits, by interpreting narratives ofviolence presented by two judicial sources. In this way, the article establishes the analytical potential ofthe somatic definition of violence and of the inquiry of its narrative articulation for the analysis of the useand meaning of violence.

Author Biography

  • Agustina Carrizo de Reimann, Universidad de Leipzig
    Argentina, Magíster de antropología y filología eslava del este, doctoranda de historia, asistente científica y docente de la cátedra Vergleichende Geschichtswissenschaft/Ibero-Amerikanische Geschichte de la Universidad de Leipzig


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How to Cite

The problem of sense in violence. Contributions of the phenomenological-interpretative approach to the analysis of judicial sources. (2018). Palimpsesto, 8(13), 060-072.