Chacabuco's simultaneous times: Space and Place Through the Documentary Films Yo fui, yo soy, yo seré and La sombra de Don Roberto


  • Hernán Adasme Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Chacabuco, Documentary Film, Space, Place, Time.


This essay analyzes the documentary films Yo fui, yo soy, yo seré (Walter Heynowski and Gerhard Scheumann, 1974) and La sombra de Don Roberto (Juan Diego Spoerer and Hakan Engström, 2007) in order to comprehend how the past and present of the nitrate town Chacabuco are reshaped through different visual languages. By applying Michel de Certeau’s conceptualization about space and place, both films can be analyzed as narratives that organize territory and configured memory, as a result of an intense dialogue between space, place and time. Therefore, the essay argues that the representations of Chacabuco breaks the time continuum and transform the place into a site in which history, memory and time come together simultaneously. Examining this issue helps to illuminate how different visual languages can represent places and reconnected them to a wide historical process, which embraces different narratives and experiences.


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How to Cite

Chacabuco’s simultaneous times: Space and Place Through the Documentary Films Yo fui, yo soy, yo seré and La sombra de Don Roberto. (2017). Palimpsesto, 6(10), 013-021.