Piwkeyewün Project: Guidelines for the Co-design of Indigenous Technological Vegetable Cultivation Systems





indigenous design, decolonial design, Mapuche people, participatory design


The Piwkeyewün Project aims to generate a methodology for different indigenous groups to devise and represent forms of vegetable cultivation that, while articulating culturally significant logics, practices, and meanings, incorporate contemporary materials and elements from technological trends (digitality and the «internet of things»). With these actions, we ask ourselves about the conditions of possibility of the current indigenous material expressions, their relationship with discourses associated with ancestry, and the possible dialogues between worldview and technology. The following article exposes intersections between the disciplines of design and anthropology, using the context and history of the Mapuche people in Chile as the articulating axis, with an analysis of the results of a participatory design workshop, developed in a university context during the year 2021, where several identity, environmental, material, territorial, technological and design components are addressed through teaching activities and proposals.


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How to Cite

Labra Mocarquer, R. A., Basáez Villagrán, C., Sáez Hueichapan, D., & Rodríguez-Seeger, C. (2023). Piwkeyewün Project: Guidelines for the Co-design of Indigenous Technological Vegetable Cultivation Systems. Estudios Avanzados, 39, 145-169. https://doi.org/10.35588/estudav.v0i39.5731

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