How Was the War Communicated? Comparative Analysis of The Satirical Press During the War Against Paraguay and The War of The Pacific




Caricatures, Newspapers, War of the Triple Alliance, War of the Pacific


During the second half of the 19th century, two crucial military conflicts occurred between South American states: the War against Paraguay and the War of the Pacific. During these processes, the satirical press, characterised by the inclusion of humorous images, generated discourses and narratives of the events to inform urban societies, distant from the development of the events, what was happening and who the different actors involved were. This paper will seek to analyse how satirical newspapers in Rio de Janeiro and Santiago de Chile developed this work in the active moments of the conflict from a comparative and cultural perspective.


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Author Biography

  • Silvina Sosa Vota, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

    Silvina Sosa Vota holds a PhD in History (2022) from the University of Santiago de Chile, a master's degree in Contemporary Latin American Integration (2017) from the Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA) and a bachelor's degree in History (2015) from the same university. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher for the project ANILLOS N° ATE220008, Mestizo cultural heritage and appreciation of the local culture. Forgotten Lessons from the Cold War.


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How to Cite

How Was the War Communicated? Comparative Analysis of The Satirical Press During the War Against Paraguay and The War of The Pacific. (2023). Revista De Historia Social Y De Las Mentalidades, 27(2), 216-255.