CALL FOR PAPERS – DOSSIER Fascism, Fascisms: 100 Years





CALL FOR PAPERS – DOSSIER Fascism, Fascisms: 100 Years



Thiago Fidelis, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil

Heloísa Paulo, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


                In 1922, the march on Rome signalled the triumph of fascism as an alternative to the liberal models defeated in 1918. It was born as a national solution to Italy's internal problem, where the idea of a "classless" society was replaced by one of the classes with differentiated functions to achieve the social machinery's smooth functioning. In this way, the supremacy of a strong state emerges as the solution to the problems of a weak democracy affected by political crises.

                The victory of the Fascist movement allowed its nationalist trait to be extrapolated from Italian territory, establishing itself as a "third way" for states weakened by the economic shocks of 1929. At the same time, it appeared as a solution to political and economic disorganisation in various parts of the world. In Germany, the rise of the Nazi Party to power seems to determine the triumph of this model of the strong state.

                The dossier "Fascism, Fascisms: 100 Years" seeks to analyse the specific aspects of fascism in its context, weaving connections with other political and geographical structures with which it is in dialogue and the reasons for its current relevance.


Axes of analysis

  1. Fascism: Problems of conceptualization,
  2. Ideology, culture and art in fascism,
  3. Nazism: main characteristics and development,
  4. Salazar's New State and the Iberian Context,
  5. Influences of fascism in Latin America: emigration and fascist movements,
  6. The New State of Vargas in Brazil: Fascism or authoritarianism?
  7. Neo-fascism: the return or permanence of the model.


Closing date of the call: 31st October 2023

Contributions should be sent to: